Consent-Based Processing of Personal Data

The Cancer Society of Finland collects, processes, and uses your personal data that makes you identifiable. The personal data you provide is stored in the WordPress system database.

The following personal data is required: name and email address. You may also provide your place of residence. The personal data you provide will be transferred to an external newsletter system.

The purpose of processing personal data is to send you the newsletter you have subscribed to. The processing of personal data is based on your consent.

At the Cancer Society of Finland, your data is processed only by individuals authorized to do so as part of their work. The processors are bound by confidentiality obligations.

You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting the Cancer Society of Finland, your regional cancer society, or a national patient organization.

The information you provide will not be supplemented from other sources.

Your personal data will be stored for as long as you wish to receive the newsletter.

You have the right to:

  • access your personal data
  • correct your data
  • delete your data
  • restrict the processing of your data
  • transfer your data from one system to another

You can exercise your rights primarily in writing, via email, or by post. Check the procedure on each organization’s website. The relevant regional cancer society, national patient organization, or the Cancer Society of Finland will send responses to the email address or postal address you provided. You also have the right to file a complaint regarding a breach of the data protection regulation with the supervisory authority: The Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman, PO Box 800, 00521 Helsinki, visiting address: Ratapihantie 9, 6th floor, Helsinki, telephone: +358 29 56 66700, email: tietosuoja(at)

Data Controller: The Cancer Society of Finland and the regional cancer society or national patient organization.

Contact person for registry-related matters: Jaana Ruuth, firstname.lastname(at), +358 50 493 1701, Cancer Society of Finland, Unioninkatu 22, 00130 Helsinki, or the contact person at the regional cancer society or national patient organization.

Data Protection Officer: Tapio Luostarinen, firstname.lastname(at), +358 50 464 7028, Unioninkatu 22, 00130 Helsinki.